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CCIC Sunnyvale

CCIC Sunnyvale, the seventh church established by CCIC in the Bay Area, has been the spiritual home for thousands of Chinese Christian believers in Silicon Valley from the 1970s to the present. CCIC values the study of the Bible and the building of relationships, committed to nurturing life in practice and spreading the gospel.

Worship time

Worship time

  • Mandarin Sunday Worship 9:30am – 10:45am
  • Mandarin Sunday School 11:00am – 12:00pm
  • Youth English Sunday School/Worship 9:30am – 12:00pm
  • Children's Sunday School/Worship 9:30am – 12:00pm
  • Friday Small Group Fellowship Meeting 7:30pm – 9:30pm
  • Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7:25pm – 9:00pm(Zoom)
  • Address:Sutter Elementary School, 3200 Forbes Ave, Santa Clara, CA 95051
Learn more

Share the gospel, share the faith.

Every time you tell the story of how you formed a personal relationship with God, you are glorifying God, and He is pleased with that. That story is your Christian testimony: the story of how God has changed your life through a personal relationship with Him.

My eldest child has been part of the Awana Group since kindergarten and has now graduated. Every Friday night, the thought of going to church to attend Awana was pretty much the highlight and happiest moment of his week. In Awana, he was able to find like-minded friends to grow up with, and watching their yearly growth together has been very gratifying. No matter how the outside world changes, they can always find a constant sense of inner peace here.


Awana Group

All three of my children grew up in the Nursery, with the youngest currently in the preschool group. The teachers prepare curriculum activities and snacks with great love, and every time, it ends with the children wearing radiant smiles, having spent a wonderful time.


Nursery Group

My teenage son and I attended the children's ministry year-end celebration event this week. Over the years, we have taken on different roles. Gathering together, exchanging with friends and fellow volunteers, and reveling in how God has impacted children and families over the past 12 months was enjoyable.


Parents Group

The summer class offers a variety of educational and entertaining activities, rich and fun. Each time, I'm always amazed to see the creative and interesting works the children bring back! Additionally, the summer class features activities led by older youth brothers and sisters, providing fun interactions between older and younger kids and giving the little ones role models to look up to.


Summer Program


Are you ready to contact us?

At CCIC Sunnyvale, we aspire to be an inclusive community. With our minds, our hearts, and our hands, we follow Jesus. We sincerely invite you and your friends to join us, participate in our activities, join our fellowship, and become one family in the Lord.

Contact us