About Us

Chinese Church in Christ Sunnyvale (CCIC Sunnyvale)
桑尼韋爾 華人基督徒會堂

是一個致力於耶穌基督的信徒社區。 我們是福音派非宗派教堂。 目前,我們在一個為中國人服務的機構中只有一個會眾,而青年部和兒童部則使用英語。

CCIC的發展是因為在南灣地區學習的中國外國學生需要基督徒團契。 隨著團體的擴大,1971年開始了星期天的禮拜。隨著該地區亞洲人口的增長,教會領導者的願景是使更多的人受惠。


我們希望每一位成員都在與上帝以及彼此之間建立關係的過程中不斷成長,以尋求在我們社區中塑造耶穌基督的生命和愛。 我們邀請具有相同願望和承諾的任何人加入我們的教會。

 is a community of believers committed to Jesus Christ. We are an evangelical non-denominational church. We currently have one congregation in one facility serving Chinese speaking people, while Youth Ministry and Children Ministry are in English. CCIC grew out of a need for Christian fellowship among Chinese foreign students who were studying in the South Bay area. As the group grew, a Sunday service was started in 1971. The church leadership has a vision reach more people as the Asian population of the area grew. CCIC South Bay is the seventh church established, among other six other churches in San Jose, Mountain View, Milpitas, South San Jose, Cupertino, North Valley. It is our desire for each member to grow in their relationship with God and one another as we seek to model the life and love of Jesus Christ in our community. We invite anyone with the same desire and commitment to join our church.

Our Mission


Our mission is to spread the gospel and witness the grace and salvation of Jesus Christ through the personal experience of changing lives and the church life in love; we serve individuals and families with all our heart and do good deeds to become the blessings of our community.

 Worship, Reach, Care, Build, Serve, & Send

Our Value

  • Our Personal Character
    • Authenticity, 
    • Commitment, 
    • Compassion, 
    • Humility, 
    • Integrity, 
    • Self-control, 
    • Servanthood
  • Our Church Practices
    • Elder Governed 
    • Community in Small Groups 
    • Every Member Involved in Ministry 
    • Multiplicity of Leadership 
    • Unity in Diversity 
    • Planting New Churches
  • Our Ministry
    • Teaching to Build Godly Character 
    • Commitment to Prayer Evangelism and Mission 
    • Leading by Example 
    • Ministry to the Whole Person 
    • Teamwork 
    • Purpose-Driven


  • 我們的個人品格
    • 真實, 
    • 承諾, 
    • 同情, 
    • 謙遜, 
    • 正直, 
    • 節制 
    • 服事
  • 我們教會的管理
    • 長老治會 
    • 小組社群 
    • 每個人參與事工
    • 集體領導
    • 多樣性中的統一 
    • 新建教堂
  • 我們的事工
    • 教導建立敬虔的品格 
    • 對禱告傳福音和宣教的承諾 
    • 以身作則 
    • 全民事工 
    • 團隊合作 
    • 目的驅動