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About Us

Chinese Church in Christ Sunnyvale (abbreviated as CCIC Sunnyvale) is a congregation composed of people who believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are not affiliated with any denomination and are an independent evangelical church. Currently, we have an adult Mandarin ministry and an English ministry for youth and children. The development of Christian Church was driven by the growth of Asian students in the South Bay. Starting with the establishment of a student Bible study group, the first church was founded in 1971. As the Asian population continued to grow, the church expanded by planting new congregations, and now there are a total of eight churches, including CCIC San Jose, CCIC Mountain View, CCIC North Valley, CCIC South Valley, CCIC Cupertino, CCIC Tri Valley, CCIC Sunnyvale, and CCIC Central San Jose. We hope that every member of the church will continue to grow in their relationship with God and others and that they can reflect the life and love of Jesus Christ in the community. We sincerely invite those who share the same hope and are willing to commit to join our church.

Confession of Faith

We believe in only one eternal Triune God - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The Father - God is the Creator and Sovereign Lord of the universe, omnipotent, just, holy, and a loving Father.

The Son - Jesus Christ is the firstborn, before all things, originally equal with God. The Son Jesus is the only mediator between God and man, born of the Virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit; became the Son of Man, was crucified for the sins of the world, rose from the dead on the third day, accomplishing full salvation, granting eternal life to those justified by faith. The Lord Jesus who ascended to heaven will come again.

The Holy Spirit - The Comforter, the Holy Spirit, is personal and one of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit convicts people of sin, leads to repentance, regeneration, sanctification, dwells in the hearts of believers, guiding them into all truth, and is the source of believers' life, work, and power.

We believe that all Scripture is God-breathed, inerrant, and the sole basis for our faith, life, service, and the establishment of the church.

We believe that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and the result is death – eternal separation from God. Salvation and eternal life come only through faith in the redemption by the blood of the Lord Jesus.

We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins, that all who believe in Him are justified, reconciled with God, and receive eternal life; but all who do not believe in Jesus will be eternally separated from God.

We believe that the church is the body of Christ, consisting of all born-again believers. Christ is the head of the church, under His leadership, believers love one another, serve together, preach the gospel to lead people to the Lord, and witness for Jesus Christ.

We believe that marriage, as ordained by God, is the exclusive and lifelong union of one man (biologically male) and one woman (biologically female), providing a framework for intimate companionship, the channel for sexual expression according to biblical standards, and the means for procreation of the human race. Godly sexual intimacy occurs only within the marriage of a man and a woman. Any form of sexual activity outside of marriage is sin and offensive to God.

Ministry Staff

Elder Joseph Wong

Elder Joseph Wong

Elder Joseph Wong was born during the Sino-Japanese War. He accepted Christ as his Savior when he was in middle school. He came to the United States to study in the 1960s and worked in engineering design at different electronic companies after graduation. In 1965, Joseph started a Bible study fellowship group of five in San Jose. With many blessings, the group grew into the first congregation of CCIC in 1971. Within half of a century, one after the other, seven more CCICs were planted in the Bay Area. In 1982, he was called to serve the Lord full-time. In 2018, he joined the 7th planted church, CCIC Sunnyvale, and has been serving as a pastoral elder until now.

Elder Zhang Xiaofeng

Elder Zhang Xiaofeng

Elder Zhang Xiaofeng, born in Yunnan and raised in Zhejiang, graduated in physics from Nanjing University and earned a master’s from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. After moving to the U.S., he obtained a Master of Biblical Preaching from the Sagos Institute. He has been an engineer at TDK USA for 19 years and a dedicated Christian since 2000, teaching at CCIC churches. He and his wife, Hong Huaying, have one son.

Elder Albert Shyu

Elder Albert Shyu

Elder Albert Shyu was born in Taiwan and baptized at age of 11. He graduated from National Cheng Kung University with BS of Mechanical Engineering and came to the United States in 1981. He obtained MS ME, MS Computer Engineering and Master of Theological Study. He first served in NASA Ames Research Center, then BAE Systems on vehicle dynamic simulation and structural analysis. He and his wife, Rachel, have 3 adult sons.

Elder Aron Fu

Elder Aron Fu

Elder Aron Fu graduated from Taiwan National Chengchi University with a Bachelor Degree in Political Science, Univiersity of Oregon with a Master Degree in Computer Science, Asian American Evangelical Seminary with a Master Degree in Biblical Study, SAGOS Institute of Preaching and Bible Exposition with a Master Degree in Preaching. He has been working in the software engineering fields for over 30 years, then he retired to serve God in a full-time capacity since 2014.

Elder Sam Lin

Elder Sam Lin

Elder Sam Lin studied at ChunYuan Christian College in Taiwan, later obtained a M. Arch. From University of Oklahoma. He had worked at Intel Corp. as Sr. Facility Project Manager and at Apple Computer as Sr. Development Manager. He is currently serving as Director of Project Development Unit at County of San Mateo. He had been attending CCIC since 1986 and has raised two daughters with his wife Aining.

May Choi

May Choi

May Choi spent most of her life in education. After teaching for many years in Hong Kong, she immigrated to California in 1984. By God’s grace she became a Christian in 1994 at CCIC and started serving in the children’s ministry. She obtained a Master of Theology from Christian Witness Theological Seminary in 2008. May is known to be a devoted worker for the Lord and has served in various positions at church. She and her husband, Ming Lam Choi, have a son and a daughter.

Minister Daniel Kim

Minister Daniel Kim

Minister Daniel Kim began attending CCIC-San Jose in middle school. He continued at CCIC-Cupertino in high school and returned to CCIC-Cupertino as a youth counselor. After several years as a counselor, a few people encouraged Daniel to consider full-time ministry. With the support of his wife, Lauren, he sees how God has equipped him for ministry and to become a beloved pastor. Daniel graduated from UC Berkeley and received his M. Div. from Western Seminary.