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Event Calendar

Prayer Meeting
Every Wednesday
Prayer Meeting

Every Wednesday from 7:25 PM to 9:00 PM, the church holds a prayer meeting, which includes hymns, sharing, intercessory prayers, and group prayers. Everyone is welcome to join us in prayer in Christ.
May 5, November 3

Twice a year, there will be a collective baptism ceremony. During the baptism, there will be hymns, the baptism itself, the breaking of bread, and testimonies of salvation. Everyone is welcome to witness the birth of new life.
Testimony Sharing
January 5, June 7
Testimony Sharing

Twice a year, brothers and sisters share their testimonies, recounting how they have experienced the wonderful works of Christ in their lives. You are welcome to come and hear how God builds and transforms people.
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Summer Evangelistic Outreach Activities
April Mussel

In this time of challenge and change, our church activities aim to bring biblical wisdom and love into our lives through a variety of activities. From the teaching of Matthew 22:39 - "Love your neighbor as yourself", we encourage friends of all ages nearby to carry out excursions, outdoor experiences, reading groups, gospel topics and other activities, so that we can experience the wonder of God's creation , connect with each other and experience God’s love and grace together. Whether you are looking for spiritual solace, want to have a deeper understanding of the teachings of the Bible, or simply follow experienced veterans for a well-prepared, fun-filled and in-depth experience, this is where you belong. We believe that through these events, everyone who participates can discover deeper purpose and joy in their lives. Everyone is welcome to join us, move forward on the journey of faith, and explore the infinite possibilities of life.
Contact: info@ccic-sunnyvale.org

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Summer Evangelistic Outreach Activities
May/June Geoduck

In this time of challenge and change, our church activities aim to bring biblical wisdom and love into our lives through a variety of activities. From the teaching of Matthew 22:39 - "Love your neighbor as yourself", we encourage friends of all ages nearby to carry out excursions, outdoor experiences, reading groups, gospel topics and other activities, so that we can experience the wonder of God's creation , connect with each other and experience God’s love and grace together. Whether you are looking for spiritual solace, want to have a deeper understanding of the teachings of the Bible, or simply follow experienced veterans for a well-prepared, fun-filled and in-depth experience, this is where you belong. We believe that through these events, everyone who participates can discover deeper purpose and joy in their lives. Everyone is welcome to join us, move forward on the journey of faith, and explore the infinite possibilities of life.
Contact: info@ccic-sunnyvale.org

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Summer Evangelistic Outreach Activities
July Fishing

In this time of challenge and change, our church activities aim to bring biblical wisdom and love into our lives through a variety of activities. From the teaching of Matthew 22:39 - "Love your neighbor as yourself", we encourage friends of all ages nearby to carry out excursions, outdoor experiences, reading groups, gospel topics and other activities, so that we can experience the wonder of God's creation , connect with each other and experience God’s love and grace together. Whether you are looking for spiritual solace, want to have a deeper understanding of the teachings of the Bible, or simply follow experienced veterans for a well-prepared, fun-filled and in-depth experience, this is where you belong. We believe that through these events, everyone who participates can discover deeper purpose and joy in their lives. Everyone is welcome to join us, move forward on the journey of faith, and explore the infinite possibilities of life.
Contact: info@ccic-sunnyvale.org

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Summer Evangelistic Outreach Activities
August Stargazing

In this time of challenge and change, our church activities aim to bring biblical wisdom and love into our lives through a variety of activities. From the teaching of Matthew 22:39 - "Love your neighbor as yourself", we encourage friends of all ages nearby to carry out excursions, outdoor experiences, reading groups, gospel topics and other activities, so that we can experience the wonder of God's creation , connect with each other and experience God’s love and grace together. Whether you are looking for spiritual solace, want to have a deeper understanding of the teachings of the Bible, or simply follow experienced veterans for a well-prepared, fun-filled and in-depth experience, this is where you belong. We believe that through these events, everyone who participates can discover deeper purpose and joy in their lives. Everyone is welcome to join us, move forward on the journey of faith, and explore the infinite possibilities of life.
Contact: info@ccic-sunnyvale.org