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Albert Shyu

Albert Shyu


徐自強長老出生臺灣臺南, 自小信主, 1978年畢業於成功大學機械繫. 1981年來美, 先後獲機械工程碩士, 電腦工程碩士, 神學研究碩士. 曾服務於美國太空總署, 研究機翼優化. 現服務於BAE Systems, 擔任資深幕僚分析工程師, 專職軍車動力及結構模擬分析. 與妻子賴乃潔姊妹育有三子.

Forgiveness, protection, and provision in God's abundant mercy

Forgiveness, protection, and provision in God's abundant mercy

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Believe in Jesus and have eternal life

Believe in Jesus and have eternal life

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I miss the things above

I miss the things above

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Beyond the suffering of life

Beyond the suffering of life

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All for the sake of the gospel

All for the sake of the gospel

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A life of obedience to the Lord

A life of obedience to the Lord

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Treasure is in heaven

Treasure is in heaven

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Build with one heart and give willingly

Build with one heart and give willingly

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Inheritance of faith

Inheritance of faith

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Break out of the cocoon

Break out of the cocoon

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