Youth Ministry
Understand God through fun and interactive ways
Growing together as the body of Christ, Grounded in the Word of the Lord, spreading by teaching and preaching the love and message of the Father by, in, and through the power of the Holy Spirit.
For each youth group member to have a personal encounter with the Savior, resulting in salvation and a life with Christ.
Biblical Teaching, Spiritual Development, Biblical-Based Leadership Training, Devotion to the Church Body, Christ-Centered Action

Friday Fellowship Night
Time:7:30PM - 9:30PM Age:G6-G12
On Friday nights, we gather together to socialize and unwind from the week's learning. We explore various topics through video lessons and encourage the youth to discuss them in small groups. The discussions focus on getting to know each other and understanding God in our daily lives. Once a month, we organize fellowship activities with a focus on building community. Snacks are provided.

Sunday School (Teaching/Education)
Time:9:30AM - 10:30AM Age:G6-G12
Sunday School is taught by adult volunteers. The goal is to educate students through the shared study of the Bible. The curriculum is based on various books of the Bible. Breakfast will be provided.

Sunday Worship (Sermon/Application)
Time:11:00AM - 12:00PM Age:G6-G12
We turn to musical worship and preaching, emphasizing the application of biblical teachings in our daily lives.